Thursday, December 11, 2014

Peer Review of Blogs

2. Her blog drew my attention because it had a lot of detailed information and had well-written posts.
3. I can tell she put a lot of effort and thought into her blog because she had a lot of information in her posts and good sources attached to her posts. I also noticed that she fulfilled a lot of the posts, if not all of them.
4. 5
5. 5
6. Same

2. I like that most of Thomas’s posts had bullet points and that made it easy to read and skim through. I liked that there were interested and fun facts to read on his blog.
3. I think that Thomas cared about what was put on his blog because his posts consists of a lot of information and was detailed. It looked like he read a lot of info and was able to narrow down in bullet points the most important facts, which must have m=been time consuming.
4. 5
5. 5
6. Same

2. The professionalism this man used to write all his posts. It was awesome to see how much he wrote and provided for others to see. I liked that he had a lot to talk about in all of his posts and that no facts of his posts were left out.
3. A lot. It must have taken a lot of time to write all the posts he did. I could also tell he used a lot of sources, so it can be determined that he took a lot of time to look up all the research he needed to do his homework
      4. 5
5. 4
6. Same

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